Hudson River Tour - October 2013
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Pollepel Island is an island in the Hudson River. Also known as Pollopel Island, Pollopel's Island, Bannerman's Island, and Bannermans' Island, is the site of Bannermans' Castle.] Pollepel Island is about 50 miles north of New York City and about 1,000 feet from the Hudson River's eastern bank It contains about 6.5 acres, most of it rock.

The principal feature on the island is Bannermans' Castle, an abandoned military surplus warehouse. One side of the castle carries the words "Bannermans' Island Arsenal". It was built in the style of a castle by Gilded Age businessman Francis Bannerman VI (1851–1918), who had purchased the island in 1901.


JJ-Enterprises | 1/19/2014